Your Frequently Asked Questions answeredHow do I add a listing?
We have removed the form for the general public to avoid spam submissions. In the interim, please use the contact page to provide us with the details and we will add the listing on your behalf. If approved we will provide you with a login so you can manage the listing and respond to any reviews.
Can I submit an article?
Yes. We accept well written and knowledgable articles that do not contain duplicate content found elsewhere. To submit an article for consideration, please contact us.
Where did the Social Community go?
We found that this section of the site was used more by spammers than by those genuinely interested in discussing psychic topics. As such it was taken down during the site overhaul. A community forum will be available online soon.
Can I review a Psychic?
Yes, honest reviews are always welcomed. To review a Psychic use the form a the base of their listing. To review one that has not been added yet contact us with the details.
Can you do a Psychic Reading for me?
At this time we are not offering any services to the public. We would suggest you review the listed Psychics to find one that suits your needs.